Let Your Way Be Guided of God

Would a ruler make a political decision without first seeking advice from his counselors? Would a businessman make a big investment without consulting experts? Would a doctor perform a dangerous operation without first conferring with other doctors? In politics, in business and in medicine the value of consultation is recognized. There are even firms that have made it their business to be consultants. They are experts in certain fields and can give good guidance to businesses in those fields.
Seeking guidance through consultation with experts is a wise policy to follow. This was pointed out long ago by King Solomon. “When there is no skillful direction the people fall, but there is salvation in the multitude of counselors.” (Prov. 11:14) Men will acknowledge the need for skillful direction of their business and their political endeavors, and they will even seek guidance for their marriages, but when it comes to their life’s course they reject it.
If it is important to have expert advice in human endeavors, is it not more important to have expert guidance along the path of life? At present this path of life is short, but it will not always be so. It is the purpose of the Creator that man should have the blessing of “life to time indefinite.” (Ps. 133:3) But to receive that blessing a person must have expert guidance along life’s path.
Where can guidance be found from a better expert than the Source of all life, Jehovah God? The counsel he gives is the finest that can be had. It is to a person’s best interests to follow it.
You will not get his guidance by going to some person who claims to have a private wire to God, exclusive contact with him. What that person will give will not be advice from the Supreme Counselor. The only place you can get it is in His written Word, the Bible. There you will find expert advice for guiding your life’s course.
But how many businessmen will wisely seek advice to guide their businesses, but foolishly reject God’s advice for guiding their lives? If it is important to have expert guidance to protect financial investments, is it not more important to have expert guidance to protect one’s life? Which is more important, a person’s business or his life?
When it comes to the path of life adults are like children. They are not capable of guiding their own steps. This was pointed out long ago by Jeremiah: “O Jehovah, I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.”—Jer. 10:23, AS.
This fact is evident from the state of this world. Because it has rejected the wise guidance of God’s Word it is a confused muddle. It is eaten through by corruption and torn by violence. This is the result of man’s foolish effort to direct his own steps on the path of life. It is a folly that began ages ago when Eve wanted to decide for herself what is right and what is wrong instead of following the guidance of God.
As if this folly has not caused enough trouble for the adult world, many modern educators think it is the way to rear children. Their policy is nondirective education. Let the children decide for themselves what they should study. Let them direct their own steps, and under no circumstances discipline them. They seem to have the idea that discipline will discourage and frustrate children. They could not be farther from the truth.
In an article that appeared in the Cosmopolitan magazine condemning such educators it is stated: “Worse yet, there are even some teachers who don’t believe it is the function of the teacher to teach. . . . The teacher shouldn’t attempt to express any opinion or idea for fear of upsetting the delicate balance of group dynamics. The ideal is the fading out of the teacher.”
Children are not capable of directing themselves. They need adults to guide them, to make decisions for them and, above all, to discipline them. They are too immature to appreciate what is good for them. Since the condition of the world makes it evident that adults need wise guidance, certainly children have a greater need for it.
You are free to choose your life’s course, but the choice you make will not be to your best interests if you refuse to be guided by the wisdom of the Scriptures. It is only by letting God direct your steps by heeding the counsel of his Word that your short life span will be extended indefinitely. “Hear, my son, and accept my sayings. Then for you the years of life will become many. I will instruct you even in the way of wisdom; I will cause you to tread in the tracks of uprightness. When you walk, your pace will not be cramped; and if you run, you will not stumble.”—Prov. 4:10-12.
Let the greatest expert on life and its problems give you wise counsel and guidance. He knows his subject. He knows what is best for you. When your steps are guided by his wisdom you will not stumble into life’s many pitfalls. You will not have the trouble and the heartaches that come to those who refuse his guidance. Through his written Word he does for you what was asked by King David: “Make known to me the way in which I should walk.”—Ps. 143:8.


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