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THAT man should have on earth an ideal government has been the purpose of Jehovah from the beginning of creation. For centuries the Creator, God, has been working out his purpose to that end. The Bible and the extraneous evidences in world events are cumulative that a climax in the progressive steps of his great purpose is now at hand. Blessed is the man who can now see and appreciate the fact, and can enter fully into the spirit of that divine arrangement.
An ideal thing is that which is perfect, supremely excellent; hence very desirable. An ideal government is a supremely excellent and perfect government. Because such a government seems impossible to man after long experience, man says: 'An ideal government exists and can exist only in the imagination of men. It is unattainable and therefore impossible.' With Almighty God it is not impossible; for in his due time such a government among men is absolutely certain. An abiding faith that this conclusion is correct, and the support of that faith by perfect love toward God, make the Christian a power in the hand of Jehovah God. When the Christian, under the supervision of the Lord, exercises that divinely given power, he is approximately living up to his privileges.
The coming ideal government, and our attitude toward it, is the great issue. The word "issue" means the vital question for determination. It means the point to be decided. The question for determination or point to be decided, the paramount issue before the minds of men, is: Satan's kingdom versus Jehovah's Theocratic Government under Christ. Shall Satan continue to be the "god of this world" and rule with an oppressive hand? Or has the time come for the great God of heaven to set up an ideal government on earth? This is the great issue in the campaign that is now on. Let every creature devoted to or of good-will toward God settle that in his mind now. There is no middle ground in this campaign. There is no compromise. Such creature must unreservedly take the side of Jehovah and his Theocratic Government under Christ or lose what he has. No real Christian can be passive in this campaign. He must be active as opportunities are afforded. He must be either cold or hot. To be lukewarm will not do. (See Revelation 3:16.) The more quickly this fact gets thoroughly fixed in the mind and heart, the better for the creature.
Zeal means to be heated. It is derived from the Greek word which means to boil. It means ardor for a cause, an enthusiastic fervor and devotion to that cause. The zeal peculiar to the Lord's house, referred to at Psalm 69:9, John 2:17 and Romans 15:3, is the boiling, enthusiastic fervor and devotion for God's kingdom, for his ideal government over man. This is the time when zeal for the Kingdom or Theocracy is required. It means that one will be actively engaged in the campaign as opportunity is offered.
What, then, can I do? you ask. At Matthew 24:14 Jesus answers: Tell the good news of the Kingdom to the people of all nations as a witness before the end comes. Tell it now! Tell it by word of mouth. Proclaim it to the people as you have opportunity. Tell it out by the printed page by placing in the hands of the people the books and other literature containing the message of The Theocracy. The Lord has provided the printing presses and other machinery to print and manufacture the books in the various languages, and offers an opportunity to all devoted ones to enter actively into the campaign on the side of the great Theocrat. He has provided the way for some to be full-time publishers as pioneers and for others to be publishers as members of organized companies of Jehovah's witnesses. He has provided sound-cars and sound-reproducing machines, portable phonographs, with recorded speeches, and provided for the sending forth of the message in that way. He has opened a way for everyone who is on his side to do something in the campaign. Hence there is no just cause or excuse for any who really love the Lord to remain silent now. Remember the thousands who went with Gideon for the war and who at the water test bowed down, burying their faces in the brook to drink, and were rejected. Be not of that kind, but be of those who, like the approved 300, dipped the water in their hands and lapped it like a dog, while earnestly watching for opportunities to glorify the King.
Be it remembered, we are now engaged in the greatest campaign of all time. Let us acquit ourselves as becomes the true representatives of the great and new Government, The Theocracy. Call to mind the campaign in worldly politics, how some have engaged therein in times past, how they endured hardships in behalf thereof. How many times have you carried a torch, marched in the ranks or rode in a wagon, waved a flag and shouted and urged the people to vote T How many times have you made a political speech, and diligently distributed literature showing the people what you believed to be the proper way to vote' And why did you do it' If you were honest you did it because you believed that the officers you were trying to elect, the government you were trying to inaugurate, would help to bring about a better condition amongst the people in general. Those efforts failed because of the imperfections of man.
Now we are enlisted in a campaign of the Lord for his ideal government. We are not in doubt as to the result. We know that his kingdom will win. We know that his will be the ideal government and will bring the very things for which man has hoped and watched and prayed, 10, these many centuries past. Do you possess the spirit of the Lord T Have you perfect love in your heart T If so, then with a burning zeal for his cause you will go forth to do your little part, not because he needs any of us but because we need the opportunity to prove our loyalty and our love. Remember that love is the perfect expression of unselfishness. Remember that the King of The Theocratic Government, Christ Jesus, gave us the example as Jehovah's "Faithfull and True Witness", and that we must follow in his steps. The way for us now to give expression to unselfishness is joyfully to announce the kingdom that will bring lasting blessings to mankind. This must be done with diligence if we would have an abundant entrance into the Kingdom and into its blessings.
How can anyone in "the present truth", who appreciates the situation, remain silent and inactive? Let no one deceive you. If you are to be one of God's "elect" you will not be deceived into believing you can be inactive and yet please the Lord. The Lord has promised that the "elect" shall not be deceived in doctrine. (Psalm 125:3; Isaiah 52:8; Matthew 24:24, 25) There is a manifest attempt on the part of the great adversary of God and man to deceive by inducing those devoted to God to remain inactive and silent.
In ages past governments have risen, only to fall again. Now Jehovah's witnesses are engaged in a campaign for the ideal government which is certain and which will endure forever. Service will mean a sacrifice of worldly ease, wealth, and comfort. It will cost us much, but it is worth more than it costs. If we have started to serve the Lord, we cannot stop and still be pleasing to him. Do not for one moment think that what you did last year will win for you the Kingdom or its blessings. Our victory will be complete at the end, provided we do not relax. (Galatians 6: 9) This is no time for quitters. Jesus made this clear when he said: "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." - Luke 9:62.
To humankind an ideal government is one the governor of which possesses absolute power and exercises that power always equally in behalf of all, and with partiality to none, granting to each one his full rights and privileges. It means a government of everlasting peace, in which the people will have plenty, will live in contentment, enjoy liberty, life and uninterrupted happiness. That is why, to man, an ideal government has seemed impossible. The kingdom of God and of his Christ will bring to man all of these and much more. That the ones devoted to Jehovah God and his Theocratic Government under Christ might be fully assured and be comforted and encouraged, the Lord has given us cumulative evidence of what blessings The Theocracy shall bring to obedient humankind on earth.
We are assured that Jehovah by Christ Jesus shall be king over all the earth (see Zechariah 14:9) ; that the government shall be upon the shoulders of Christ Jesus (Isaiah 9:6, 7) ; that he shall have dominion from sea to sea and to the ends of the earth (Psalm 72:8) ; that all power and authority are in the hands of God's anointed King (Matthew 28:18) ; that out from Zion, Jehovah's capital organization or Theocracy, which is heavenly and hence invisible, shall go forth the law (Isaiah 2:3) ; that the king shall rule in righteousness, therefore without partiality (Isaiah 32:1) ; that unto his kingdom shall all people of good-will be gathered (Genesis 49:10) ; that wars shall be no more and the people shall dwell in peace, and of his peace and his kingdom there shall be no end (Isaiah 2: 4 ; and 9:6, 7) ; that the people shall have plenty and feast to their heart's content (Isaiah 25:6) ; that the earth shall yield its increase and the people shall be supplied with an abundance (Isaiah 30:23; Psalm 67:6); that there shall be amongst the people no beastly organization to oppress them, for the Lord shall destroy the oppressor (Psalm 72:4) ; that every obedient man shall own his home and shall sit under his vine and fig tree and shall fear no one (Micah 4:1-4) ; that their flesh shall become fresher than that of a child (Job 33:25); that none shall fear Sickness nor be sick (Isaiah 33:24); that full regeneration to life will be granted to those who prove their loyalty to the King because he gave his life that all such shall live (John 3:15; 10:10) ; that then they that keep his Word shall never die (John 8:51; Revelation 21:4) ; that the earth, created for man's happiness, will be brought to a state of edenic Paradise, and the desert will blossom with abundance (Isaiah 35:1) ; that everyone will know of Jehovah, the great Theocrat, and of his anointed King and Vindicator, Christ Jesus, and will dwell in endless happiness and sing songs of praise to Jehovah and his Christ forever. - Isa. 11:9; Ps. 150:6
The kingdom of the Lord will establish an Ideal condition upon the earth for man. That will be the ideal government, The Theocracy. There is not the slightest doubt in the mind of the Christian that such is true and that the Kingdom is now beginning. We are not following some cunningly devised fable; but we have the sure Word of God spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets (2 Pet. 1:16-21) These prophecies have been and are being fulfilled; and we know that the foretold Dayspring from on High has Visited humankind of good-will and that the portals of the New World are swinging open.
Jehovah God will make a sharp and quick work of announcing the Kingdom before the complete end of Satan's wicked world. (Isaiah 28:22, Romans 9:28) The time is short now till the universal war of Armageddon, and the privileges are great beyond the description of human words. The issue is clearly drawn; the fight is on to the finish, the campaign grows with intensity. The Theocratic Government is at hand. The God-given commission is to now tell the good news to the world. Blessed is the man who fulfills that commission. Witness of Jehovah, with zeal and vigor press on to victory and boundless joy!