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"Beloved, while I was giving all diligence to write unto you of our common salvation, I was constrained to write unto you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered unto the saints." - Jude 3

In that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, ... that the remnant of men, and all the Gentiles upon whom my name is called, may earnestly seek me. - Amos 9: 11, 12, Septuagint.
From Pentecost of A.D. 33 down to the beginning of Christ's thousand-year reign, God occupies the time in gathering and preparing for the Kingdom the 144 000 fellow heirs of the great Son of David. Natural Jews since Moses' day had Jehovah's name called upon them. First from among them God picked out a faithful remnant of some thousands of men and women who accepted Jesus as Messiah. After giving these Jews who bore Jehovah's name an exclusive opportunity for seven years to be taken into the Kingdom covenant with Jesus, Jehovah began visiting the non-Jews or Gentiles who had not been called by His name. He opened to them the chance to fill up the rest of the number of fellow heirs of the royal covenant. Peter first declared the Kingdom opportunity to them. W 9/15
Monthly Theme
What the Thousand-Year Reign Will Accomplish
ABOVE everything else the Scriptures magnify the supremacy of Jehovah God. “That they may know that thou alone, whose name is Jehovah, art the Most High over all the earth.” “Power belongeth unto God.” There is none like him, “declaring the end from the beginning.” Whatever he purposes he ...