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Eat, asking no question for conscience' sake; for the earth is the Lord's. —1 Cor. 10: 25, 26, Am. Stan. Ver.
Everything with which God filled this earth is His creation and belongs to him and so is not sinful in itself. Meat that was set before him by his heathen host Paul accepted as being God's creation and belonging to him. That meat or the carcass from which it came, Paul looked upon it objectively as being God's creation. In thus viewing it he could thank God for it and not the idol to which it was offered. However, Paul's Christian companion might look at it, not objectively, but from the standpoint of its heathenish religious connections. Hence his conscience rebelled at eating, because he objected to idols and to recognizing them in any way. He felt that meat to be contaminated by the heathen rite. But Paul knew that despite being dedicated to an idol, the animal victim still belonged to God its Creator, and he could conscientiously thank God for a piece of it. W 11/15
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JEHOVAH God is the universal and absolute Sovereign. But men not recognizing this fact have set up various governments of their own making during the past six thousand years . Whether these have been tribal rulerships, monarchies, city governments, dictatorships, or democratic political systems, yet it must be admitted that ...