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Thus shall Babylon sink. —Jer. 51: 64.
In these fateful days such strenuous efforts are being made by the ingenuity of brainy men to bolster up the world structure that it may seem impossible for it to be destroyed suddenly within this generation. Just as impossible as when twenty-five centuries ago it was thought impossible that the great world power, the empire of Babylon, should collapse in one t, in 539 B.C. But down from her lofty height Babylon did crash. Breath-taking was her fall, and the one that took the responsibility for her downfall was Jehovah, the God of a persecuted minority in Babylon, the Israelites. A century and a half before a small remnant of Israelites went captive to Babylon Jehovah by his prophet Isaiah forewarned them of their captivity to that world power. He also comforted them by the promise of their release from the oppressive power by Babylon's overthrow. W 10/1
Monthly Theme
According to the express statement of the Creator himself, man was made in the image of God. Not that man had the same form and substance as his Creator, but that he had God's attributes. To man as a creature with God's attributes was granted the privilege of holding dominion over the earth and its forms of life ...