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Themes Archive
Jehovah God the Creator was the only One that could conceive of such a thing as the resurrection of the dead. He was the only One that could bring it to pass. It takes faith for us to believe God could raise the dead, and it was for the purpose of testing men’s faith in him that he gave the promise of a resurrection, doing so at the very time that "sin entered into the world, and death by sin". (Rom. 5: 12)
Lovers of peace with justice and happiness long to hear the voice strong enough to command peace upon all nations. Today in man's most critical time there is no voice on earth with power enough to command peace world-wide.
Great events have heretofore come to pass and which involved many nations. Among these events, the two World Wars have been the greatest wars from human history. But, in the very near future a far greater event will occur and this will involve the entire universe, namely the universal war, known in Scriptures as the Armageddon or the war of the great day of God, the Almighty. This war, which is near at hand, will be by far the biggest from all times. Less people will survive this war and this will happen only because they have accepted the truth from God's Word and comply with it.
Sure Evidences of the End\'s Approach
With the theocratic New World society already functioning and preparing to move out of this old world, and with the God-given message of "new heavens and a new earth" ringing louder and louder in our ears, the end of the corrupt, Devil-controlled old world is nothing for lovers of truth, right and godliness to fear or regret. Jesus taught his disciples to pray for its end in these words to God: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your kingdom come. Let your will come to pass, as in heaven, also upon earth."- Matt. 6:9, 10.
Jerusalem Prophetic in Rise and Fall
It was of significance that faithful Abraham built the altar on which to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac upon a mountain that Jehovah God designated in the land of Moriah. Nineteen centuries later in that same region Jehovah let his only begotten Son be sacrificed, for it was on Mount Moriah that King Solomon built the first temple of Jerusalem.
The King’s Counsel at Memorial
Such things being well under way, it is very timely to review a few of the points made by Jesus, especially since the time for celebrating the Memorial draws near, namely, Monday, April 14, 2014, at sundown of which day Nisan 14 begins.
The Making of This Cosmos Begun
The cosmos or world that stands today had its beginning some time after the flood of Noah's day in 2,370 B.C. After describing the destruction of the preflood world with its heavens and earth, the apostle Peter warns us in writing: "But by the same word [of God] the heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire and are being reserved to the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men." (2 Pet. 3:7, NW) Now, the literal planet earth and the literal heavens above did not pass away at the flood, but the symbolic ones did; so we must understand that the "heavens and the earth that are now" that are stored up for fiery destruction must be the symbolic ones. Who created them?
Corrupt World of That Time Destroyed
A corrupt world came into existence when Adam joined Eve in eating the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, thereby expressing his approval of her disobedient act and transgression of God's law. How long would this corrupt world of that time last? God decided.
Corrupting of the Righteous World
At Eden at the beginning of God's seventh creative day a righteous world existed. The time was about 4,025 B.C. There was then a righteous earth under righteous heavens.
Conscious Life Begins on Earth
God's heavenly sons, who had sung at the founding of the earth as a special creation, fol-lowed this drama of creation with the keenest of interest. Little did they realize that what was finally to be brought forth on this the closing work day of the creative week was to affect heaven and earth and to make necessary the creating of new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness is to dwell uninterruptedly forever. The evening of this day begins! "And God went on to say: 'Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic animal and creeping animal and wild beast of the earth according to its kind.' And it came to be so." (Gen. 1:24)