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Themes Archive
Life Transformed by Making the Mind Over
From birth to death, most people live their life by certain principles and standards. Some people lead their life according to particular strict laws, according to some moral standards, by the education received when they were children or, others are at the opposite side, without any trace of morality. Therefore, people come in the situation to live by some human philosophies and teachings, they comform themselves to customs and traditions kept by people from generations, without wondering if what they do pleases God, their Creator, or not. However, we can change our life in a way which can be helpful both for us and for our neighbour, so we can please Jehovah God. This means for us to return to His Word and to follow it!
The Sabbath, In Shadow and Reality
"Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant." - Exodus 31:16 At Colossians 2:12-17, Paul writes to Christ's followers: "By relationship with him you were also raised up together through your faith in the operation of God, who raised him up from the dead. Furthermore, though you were dead in your trespasses and in the uncircumcised state of your flesh, God made you alive together with him. He kindly forgave us all our trespasses and blotted out the handwritten document against us which consisted of decrees and which was in opposition to us, and He has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the torture stake. ... Therefore let no man judge you in eating and drinking or in respect of a feast day or of an observance of the new moon or of a sabbath, for those things are a shadow of the things to come, but the reality belongs to the Christ."
What Does Halloween Mean to You?
Annualy, at the beginning of November, the so-called christian nations, celebrates “Day of the Dead” or otherwise called “All saints day”. In other parts of the globe, this celebration, with the same meaning, takes another look: it is called Halloween and it is celebrated at the end of October. Its features distinguish it from any other day of the year: wreaths of flowers, rush at the cemeteries, lit candles or lamps, prayers for the dead, or, in another way, it is seen by witch costumes, ghosts, goblins, carved pumpkins, stories about the return of the spirits of the dead and many other things. Regardless of religious rituals that adorn this event, have we wondered if "the practices of this day really keep Christianity? Are all these things approved by God? What does it means all these things for me?”.
1914, a Marked Year
“END of all kingdoms in 1914!” Such was the arresting headline of an article published on Jehovah’s witnesses in a secular magazine called the “New World Magazine” in its issue of August 30, 1914. An extract of the article continues. “The terrific war outbreak in Europe has fulfilled an extraordinary prophecy. ‘Look out for 1914’ has been the cry of the hundreds of traveling evangelists who, representing this strange creed, have gone up and down the country enunciating the doctrine that the ‘Kingdom of God is at hand’.
Jehovah, a God faithful to His promises
To win the confidence of intelligent living creatures God must be true. He must be faithful to his promise, reliable regarding his prophecies, and harmonious with proved scientific facts. There is such a God of truth. But not only have those who are his outspoken enemies tried to discredit him, but also most of those who claim to be his servants, priests and ministers. These religious hypocrites have gone so far as to pit their word, their wisdom, philosophies, predictions and plans against God's word, law and purposes. So in this day when all unfounded theories and systems are being shaken from top to bottom, the issue has now become, Who is to be found true, God or man?
Let God Be True
To win the confidence of intelligent living creatures God must be true. He must be faithful to his promise, reliable regarding his prophecies, and harmonious with proved scientific facts. There is such a God of truth. But not only have those who are his outspoken enemies tried to discredit him, but also most of those who claim to be his servants, priests and ministers. These religious hypocrites have gone so far as to pit their word, their wisdom, philosophies, predictions and plans against God's word, law and purposes. So in this day when all unfounded theories and systems are being shaken from top to bottom, the issue has now become, Who is to be found true, God or man?
Jehovah’s War of Armageddon
People the world over fear another global war. They fear it because of having already experienced two world wars. They fear it because atomic weapons will be used. They fear it because there seems no way of escaping it. But what the majority of the people do not realize is that something far more terrible than another international war is impending: Armageddon!
Easter and Christianity
We, Christians of these days, we must ask ourselves: We, who want to fulfill the words recorded in Hebrew 12:2: "looking unto Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith" we will still celebrate the Passover?
The New Covenant
The night before his death, Jesus Christ spoke these words: “And the cup in like manner after supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood, even that which is poured out for you.” (Luke 22:20, ASV). Many of us may not know what means this Covenant and which was the purpose of the utterance of these words. During this subject, with God’s Word help, we will try to offer an answer for a deeper understanding.